Two Night Stand – A Movie Review

Two Night Stand (2014)

It was Adam’s turn to pick the movie of the week in the Opinions Anonymous Movie Club. That’s why this pains me so, so, so much.  Adam chose Two Night Stand, a Miles Teller and Analeigh Tipton Rom-Com with a run time of one hour and 26 minutes.  How this wasn’t on my watchlist, I’ll never know.  But, as a dedicated member of this movie club, I, of course, watched.  Annnnnd….I freaking LOVED IT.

I mean look – Miles Teller is good – even great when he’s doing this thing and playing the perfect part.  Not many movies I don’t love with MT in it.  Analeigh Tipton is pretty much the perfect girl in every way – and I don’t just mean in the movie.  If you watch this movie and don’t crave falling in love (or a two night stand…because you know), then you don’t have a heart.

Two night stand starts as a woman on the rebound is trying to find a random hookup.  She does, with no problem (where are these women?), and she’s about to bail in the morning….except for one issue (well, maybe a couple issues) – AN UNPRECEDENTED SNOWSTORM has hit the area and you’re not going anywhere.  So she’s stuck (literally) inside a guy’s house who she hooked up with and doesn’t like.  Nice.  Sounds miserable.  

Of course, they two decide to make the best of it.  Tipton clogs the toilet with some stupidity only for that to come back and haunt her a bit later.  They grow as a team and vow to help each other to become better in bed (again, where are these women?) and slowly start to develop a spark on that 2nd night of the one night stand.  That is, until Tipton finds a picture of Teller’s girlfriend in his nightstand along with her clothes filling his closet.  Yikes.  She’s obviously upset and troubled, right when the storm lets up.  Tipton bails and deletes her online profile so Teller can’t get a hold of her.  He doesn’t even know her LAST NAME!  What will he do?!  How will he save the two night stand?!  I won’t spoil that part quite yet – check it out yourself for movie 2 of our Movie Club.

Rating: 8.0/10

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76 thoughts on “Two Night Stand – A Movie Review”

  1. Being a sucker for romcoms, I natually liked this movie. One of the things that I liked the most was that it was a believable storyline for the most part. I mean, come on, who didn’t know that MULTIPLE FEET OF SNOW WERE COMING? I mean, Meghan LIVES on the internet for the beginning of this movie. Alas, I digress.

    Overall, there was enough “lol” moments that kept me interested, and enough of a story to hold them all together. The actors were perfect for their roles.

    Given that this wasn’t anywhere near the Proposal (best romcom ever), but was still pretty good, I’ll give it an 8.25/10.

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